Me, I'm Nova.
Jokes aside though, I'm what you call a Felidin, which is a type of anthropomorphic cat who comes from Gehenna (Earth for local translation). I wasn't born there initially though, I come from space actually.
To be more specific, my home is literally located in the center of the Crab Nebula. While right now it just looks like a landscape shrouded in eternal twilight, if you look at it through a telescope it looks like a burst of pastel colors.
I've been around the block for a long time, so I have quite the vast knowledge of things I remember in my time. Keep in mind though, I'm not completely intelligent, I have my moments too. I'm no different from every human that walks on this world.
I was "assigned female at birth" (AFAB for short), however due to my nature I'm naturally whatever gender I freely can choose to be (Genderfluid), though my default state is Nonbinary.
My pronouns reflect this as well, while the default state is They/Them, you're free to use any pronouns as you wish, including Neopronouns.
I'm apart of the AroAce Spectrum, Asexual (sex-repulsed) and Demiromantic by default (which overlaps with a little bit of Queerplatonic too), and as for attraction I have no preferences. They call this being Panromantic.