Well, according to my mother, I had landed there 22 of July in 1991 in the front yard of an apartment she and my dad lived in. However despite the circumstances they raised me as if I was one of their own.
They're... still not sure why I took on the appearance of a Felidin, but it is what it is.
As for why I decided to land on Earth? Well... to be honest I'm not sure myself! I was literally a newborn, I wouldn't have known anything about space, let alone Earth. To me it's a mystery that'll forever be an enigma to me.
It was pretty obvious since I was little there was something rattling around in my head, and a doctor's diagnosis has classified me with something unique to celestial beings. The human equivalent to it is Autism.
Safe to suffice I struggled a lot growing up, but hey, I made it out of it all alive, albeit now having to see a therapist.