
I've always wanted my own website since I was very little, but back then not only could my brain even begin to comprehend or handle HTML, the resources for it at the time were usually locked behind paid services. There wasn't much in the way for me to do so back then without having money.
And I knew that my parents didn't have that kind of money back then.

The closest I ever got to achieving that dream was with Matmice when that was a thing, I had signed up for an account and I THINK I used a template back then. Sadly the service shut down in 2007 so that page is lost to time...

For a while after that I stuck to my social media sites as my homepages, then later on I made Carrd as a sort of directory. I tried my hand at StrawPage but due to reasons undisclosed I ended up recieving a lot of harrassment and had to shut that down.

I knew about the existance of NeoCities, but put it off for a long time simply due to the fact I didn't feel ready to use it. I'm not sure why I did that, but given the state it's in now I'm glad I didn't join sooner.
It wasn't until December 28th in 2024 that I finally decided to try my hand at making my own webpage, and I was told by a friend to use Nekoweb over Neocities.

And this is where we are now, you're viewing this page on Nekoweb!

I did make my site on Neocities as well but it rarely gets updated as much, except for the blog entries. I have links on there to redirect to my Nekoweb page since it's the most active.

But the point of me doing this now is to regain the childhood whimsy I lost overtime, mostly due to depression and lack of motivation to do anything.

This is basically me doing what I've always wanted to do as both to heal my inner child and as a better coping mechanism to deal with how shit the world AND social media has become.